March 24, 2013


Before i move to the other story far more . . .
I would like to say a few more words bout this.

Why and
Why and
Why . . .

Why i'm telling you the story right now,
Why i'm telling it right here,
Why and how can i know about him so much ,
Why .
Why . .
Why . . .

Why i'm telling you the story right now?

because there is no ashamed off from what i'm doing it right here,
the story must be unfold and to be told to anyone and
hope the others will take that as a reminder or one of the jackass tale.

Sorry fella ,  (^,^)

'Buang yang keruh ;
Ambil yang jernih'

Ingatlah . . .

Why i'm telling you right here?

Because there is no place are better than here.
I could make it to a million tweets update if i'm telling your there
nah, those book are become my historical book
that i never wanted to open it again.

Anyway, who cares ?
Joking . . .

Why and how i know about this story so much?

because i know the person very very well, he's like a brother,
No. he's like another me from the past life.
He was and he is my best friend since . . let say kindergarten?
No more earlier. Lost my count . .

Furthermore . . .

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